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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions to switch to online learning, working, and living. An average adult user spends 6 hours and 58 minutes online scrolling through social media apps or streaming digital content. Many users spend 3 hours and 42 minutes on a smartphone. The pandemic has fallen behind and the citizens are opening the doors to access the outside world.
Here’s the latest average screen time for adults statistics 2024, where you will find the historical data, screen time data, screen time decline, country distribution, etc.
The latest data indicates that an average person spends 6 hours and 58 minutes daily on a device with an active internet connection.
The daily screen time has increased by 13% or 49 minutes since 2013.
Check the average screen time historical data of devices with an active internet connection since 2013.
Year | Average Screen Time | Screen Time Increased (%) |
Q3 2013 | 6 hours 9 minutes | – |
Q3 2014 | 6 hours 23 minutes | Up by 3.8% |
Q3 2015 | 6 hours 20 minutes | Down by 0.8% |
Q3 2016 | 6 hours 29 minutes | Up by 2.4% |
Q3 2017 | 6 hours 46 minutes | Up by 4.4% |
Q3 2018 | 6 hours 48 minutes | Up by 0.5% |
Q3 2019 | 6 hours 38 minutes | Down by 2.5% |
Q3 2020 | 6 hours 54 minutes | Up by 4% |
Q3 2021 | 6 hours 58 minutes | Up by 1% |
The updated statistics indicate that an average user spends 40% of their waking time staring at a display. Many studies have shown that users will stream and watch online content even more.
The market has various smart devices, including smartphones, tablets, PCs, laptops, and others. Almost every device is connected to the internet service. The vast number of users are streaming content on the devices.
Here’s a breakdown of countries that have increased the screen time between 2021 – 2022.
Country | Screen Time (%) |
United Arab Emirates (UAE) | Up by 1.12% |
Turkey | Up by 0.44% |
India | Up by 0.42% |
South Africa | Up by 0.39% |
Portugal | Up by 0.37% |
Egypt | Up by 0.26% |
Saudi Arabia | Up by 0.21% |
Thailand | Up by 0.21% |
Canada | Up by 0.19% |
Belgium | Up by 0.16% |
Brazil | Up by 0.11% |
Sweden | Up by 0.06% |
Switzerland | Up by 0.04% |
Ireland | Up by 0.01% |
Japan | Up by 0.01% |
Australia | -0 |
Taiwan | -0 |
However, the statistics show a steep decrease in screen time in some countries.
Country | Screen Time (%) |
Argentina | Down by 0.01% |
Israel | Down by 0.02% |
Russia | Down by 0.02% |
Austria | Down by 0.04% |
Colombia | Down by 0.04% |
Poland | Down by 0.04% |
Germany | Down by 0.05% |
China | Down by 0.06% |
Mexico | Down by 0.06% |
Malaysia | Down by 0.07% |
Spain | Down by 0.07% |
United States of America (USA) | Down by 0.07% |
South Korea | Down by 0.08% |
Vietnam | Down by 0.09% |
France | Down by 0.12% |
Italy | Down by 0.12% |
Denmark | Down by 0.13% |
United Kingdom (UK) | Down by 0.13% |
Indonesia | Down by 0.15% |
South Africa ranks on top in average screen time usage. The Philippines follows SA in the second position. The chart below describes the situation by country, device, and number of hours spent on the device.
Region/Country Name | Smartphone Screen Time (%) | PC Screen Time (%) | Total Screen Time |
South Africa | 5 hours and 9 minutes (48%) | 5 hours and 37 minutes (52%) | 10 hours and 46 minutes |
Philippines | 5 hours and 47 minutes (%) | 4 hours and 40 minutes (45%) | 10 hours and 27 minutes |
Brazil | 5 hours and 25 minutes (53%) | 4 hours and 54 minutes (47%) | 10 hours and 19 minutes |
Mexico | 4 hours and 37 minutes (52%) | 4 hours and 18 minutes (48%) | 8 hours and 55 minutes |
Indonesia | 4 hours and 56 minutes (57%) | 3 hours and 41 minutes (43%) | 8 hours and 37 minutes |
UAE | 4 hours and 35 minutes (53%) | 4 hours and 1 minutes (47%) | 8 hours and 36 minutes |
Taiwan | 4 hours and 12 minutes (52%) | 3 hours and 55 minutes (48%) | 8 hours and 7 minutes |
Saudi Arabia | 4 hours and 35 minutes (56%) | 3 hours and 30 minutes (44%) | 8 hours and 5 minutes |
Egypt | 4 hours and 2 minutes (55%) | 3 hours and 37 minutes (45%) | 8 hours and 2 minutes |
Turkey | 4 hours and 16 minutes (45%) | 3 hours and 44 minutes (47%) | 8 hours |
Portugal | 3 hours and 39 minutes (45%) | 4 hours and 22 minutes (55%) | 7 hours and 56 minutes |
Russia | 7 hours and 50 minutes (47%) | 4 hours and 11 minutes (53%) | 7 hours and 50 minutes |
Israel | 3 hours and 31 minutes (46%) | 4 hours and 4 minutes (54%) | 7 hours and 35 minutes |
Singapore | 3 hours and 5 minutes (49%) | 3 hours and 50 minutes (44%) | 7 hours and 28 minutes |
India | 3 hours and 43 minutes (53%) | 3 hours and 14 minutes (47%) | 6 hours and 57 minutes |
Colombia | 10 hours and 3 minutes (51%) | 4 hours and 54 minutes (49%) | 10 hours and 3 minutes |
Argentina | 5 hours and 4 minutes (53%) | 4 hours and 34 minutes (47%) | 9 hours and 38 minutes |
Malaysia | 4 hours and 49 minutes (53%) | 4 hours and 21 minutes (47%) | 9 hours and 10 minutes |
Thailand | 5 hours and 28 minutes (53%) | 3 hours and 38 minutes (40%) | 9 hours and 6 minutes |
The global average is around 6 hours and 57 minutes in total screen time. The users spend 3 hours and 43 minutes on the mobile phone and 3 hours and 14 minutes on the PC.
One-third of parents expose their children to television at a tender age. Research says 90% of children spend time watching cartoons on TV. Parents buy the latest tablets and allow 67% of the children to watch their favorite cartoons.
The table below shows how children aged 0 – 11 years have screen time.
Age | Television (%) | Tablet (%) | Smartphone (%) | Desktop/Laptop (%) | Gaming |
0 – 2 years | 74% | 35% | 49% | 12% | 9% |
3 – 4 years | 90% | 64% | 62% | 21% | 25% |
5 – 8 years | 93% | 81% | 59% | 54% | 58% |
9 – 11 years | 91% | 78% | 67% | 73% | 68% |
Total | 88% | 67% | 60% | 44% | 44% |
Most children aged 0 – 5 years watch content on television. However, the devices change when they reach 8 – 11 years and have access to an iPad, Android tablet, or a PC. They learn to navigate and use advanced equipment for entertainment.
Most readers think that several US citizens spend time playing games on consoles or gaming PCs. However, the number indicates that Americans spend 14% of screen time watching movies, and 16% playing games.
Activity | Screen Time in Hours | Total Screen Time (%) |
TV and videos | 3 hours and 16 minutes | 34% |
Video Games | 1 hour and 46 minutes | 16% |
Movies | – | 14% |
Online Videos | – | 12% |
Social Media | 1 hour and 27 minutes | 9% |
e-Books | – | 6% |
Content Creation | 14 minutes | – |
Social Media | 1 hour and 27 minutes | – |
Browsing Websites | 51 minutes | – |
34% of users watch television and stream content or play games on the device.
Here’s where users stream content for 8 hours daily.
Platform Name | Screen Time |
Hulu | 130 minutes |
Netflix | 110 minutes |
Amazon Prime | 97 minutes |
Disney+ | 89 minutes |
Users spend eight hours daily streaming on Hulu or other similar platforms. An average user has access to over four different platforms. Apple TV and HBO Max will have some market share somewhere down the line.
South Africa has the highest screen time at 5 hours and 9 minutes on a smartphone and 5 hours and 37 minutes on a PC.
Romania has the lowest screen time at 7 minutes.
Your body and eyes can handle three hours of daily screen time.
Yes. Your mobile display and PC monitor can increase eye fatigue and trigger headaches.
Yes. Many medical experts have suggested that higher screen time impacts the sleep cycle negatively.